Tuesday, December 15, 2009


#1 Has filming helped you learn more about history?


#2 Has filming increased your interest about social studies?


#3 What is the most beneficial part of filming?

You learn the material.

#4 What is the most difficult task about filming?

Memorizing your lines.

#5 If there was one thing you would change what would it be and why?

I would probably put Randy in my group.

#6 Was blogging helpful?explain

It was, because for some reason when I blogged, it sparked my interests again so I looked more things up online then normally. It probably gave me a better understanding, and it was a nice review.

#7 How much effort have you put in this class compared to others? Choose one>

about the same.

#8 What is your overall grade in class?

I don't really know.

#9 Has using the computer and programs become easier after filming?

Much easier, I know my way around it.

#10 Did you enjoy working in groups? explain


#11 Additional comments about the class and film making.

I enjoyed it so much.

Blog 13

Describe creating and filming a music video, in detail. Did you enjoy making the music video more than the past videos? Did the rubric help you? explain. What is the easiest part of filming? What is the most difficult part of filming?explain. Who was your leader and how well did they do? Out of all your group members that you have had, who has been the best leader and why?

It was awesome, we had fun both dancing and being awesome. Yes I did. Not really. Kelsey but I wish poon was because he poons. Poon was. He was a great leader and an inspiration to us all. I was very happy with the performance he put on camrea and off camrea. You can tell that he really had a good time, and that he put so much effort into his work. I am very proud of Poon, and I hope I can be able to make videos with him even after history class. Thank you poon, thank you for being awesome throughout this semester. You poon, you poon.

Blog 12

Did the writing assignment help you learn about the French and Indian war? Did the writing assignment help more than the films that you have produced or seen? Is there anything about the French and Indian war that you have a question about? The next subject we will be learning about will be the consequences of the French and Indian war and the problems that started the American Revolution. You will be making your last movie starting friday. Over the weekend you will have to get together or discuss with your group the lyrics. That is your homework assignment and will be worth points, of course! Would you rather be able to choose your genre of music or your topic?

Yes. Yes. No. Cool. Cool. Cool. I would rather choose the genre.

Blog 11

I know that it is Thanksgiving break but you still have to blog! After reading the article tell me one interesting thing you found about it and why you find it interesting. There will be a writing assignment attached to the French and Indian war. It can either be a formal two page paper OR a blog entry 600 words or more. Which would you rather do? Each assignment will focus on a chosen character's (list will be given upon return) point of view of the war; using historical events. You will have time in the computer lab to work on both. Compare one aspect of your thanksgiving plans to those who would have lived during the 1700s. AND Have a wonderful break!

I thought the part about redigcs was amazing. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Blog 10

Throughout all of the sections we have convered in Chapter 5, which did you find most interesting?and why? Out of the movies that you saw (4 of them) whose do you think was the best? or did the best to enhance the lecture? After taking the test on Chapter 5 sections, was there anything in the movies or while filming your movie that you rememberd which helped you answer test questions? There is only 1 more film left and it will be themed as a music video. How do you feel about that idea?

I found everything interesting. I thought Randy's was the best. lol. Everything in his video helped me remember most problems. Music video? woo! I feel good about that idea.

Blog 9

How has filmmaking become easier? What problems are you still running into? Has the videos enhanced the lecture? Who was your leader and how did they take an active role in the group? We will only be doing one more film. Who would like to see as the leader? and what would you like to try and do that you have not done yet with the films?

It has become easier. No problems yet. Yes they do. Poon was and he pooned. One more film? awww. I would like to see Poon again because he is awesome. I don't know.

Blog 8

What is your opinion about the test on Ch.4S.4 and pages 126-128? What topic do you have for filming? If you could create a film based only on your idea and had group members who agreed to do your idea no matter what. What would your film plot be?

It was a test. I have a cool topic for filming. It would be about a group of people who are trying to film about the topic, so we would be filming ourselves trying to come up with ideas and saying facts outloud, and then saying "oh, why don't we just use this?" lol.

Blog 7

Name an early colony in New England, the date it was established and a short description of the colony in the 1600s. Do you think you could have lived like the Puritans/Pilgrims in New England after learning about their daily life and customs? Why or Why not? Wednesday of next week will start filming again, do you look forward to filming? Film topics will range from pages 131 to 144 (not including p.143) Glance through the pages and choose one topic you might be interested in learning more about and why?

Conneticut, 1639 and they built boats and fished. I would not because I am spoiled with an american life. Cool. I liked it all.

Blog 6

If you could give the power point then lecture a 1 - 10 rating 1 being the highest. What would you choose? and Why? Was there anything in particular that you disliked or really liked about the lessons this week? If you could have been apart of any country's team of explorers (that we have discussed in Chapter 3) which would it have been and why? If your group had a change, what is your reaction to the group change?

I would rate it a 1. Because it poons like poon. I would choose ponce de leon. I dont remember if my group changed!! :O

Blog 5

If you were to give your film a rating from 1 out of 10 (10 being the best) what would it be? Did the movies during the lecture enhance the lecture or distract you? After watching the videos with class is there any subject you would have rather done if given the oppurtunity? Name one thing you remember from the lecture that made you want to look up more information while on the internet after you posted your blog? ;)

I would give it a 1. The movies helped. Everyone because filming poons, just like poon. I remember everything. I will look up everything as well.

Blog 4

Did you find it difficult to think of an idea to creatively express history?Who did you work well the best in your group? Who was your group leader and how well did they do? Did you feel like you had enough time to complete the video assignment? What was your role in the film and what is one thing you would have changed in the film if you had more time?

I had an easy time thinking about the idea. I work best with poon, because he poons. I was the group leader and I did well. I had enough time. I had an awesome role in the film and I would have changed nothing.

Blog 3

What was one thing you remember about the lecture given in class? Do you look forward to making a historical film for the next section? If you could add one more person to your group who would it be and why?

I remember everything. I do look forward to it. I would add Randy because he's awesome.

Blog 2

How is your video planning going in your group? Do you enjoy working with your group members? What is the meaning of your group name? Are you having difficulties using the equipment?

Video planning is going great. I do enjoy working with my group, poon is awesome. I am having no diffuculties.

Blog 1

What are your first impressions of your early American history class? What do you want to learn about American history? What do you think will be your largest obstacle in class?

My first Impressions is that this class will be great. I want to learn about the American revolution. Biggest obstacle will be the tests.