Tuesday, December 15, 2009


#1 Has filming helped you learn more about history?


#2 Has filming increased your interest about social studies?


#3 What is the most beneficial part of filming?

You learn the material.

#4 What is the most difficult task about filming?

Memorizing your lines.

#5 If there was one thing you would change what would it be and why?

I would probably put Randy in my group.

#6 Was blogging helpful?explain

It was, because for some reason when I blogged, it sparked my interests again so I looked more things up online then normally. It probably gave me a better understanding, and it was a nice review.

#7 How much effort have you put in this class compared to others? Choose one>

about the same.

#8 What is your overall grade in class?

I don't really know.

#9 Has using the computer and programs become easier after filming?

Much easier, I know my way around it.

#10 Did you enjoy working in groups? explain


#11 Additional comments about the class and film making.

I enjoyed it so much.

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