Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blog 13

Describe creating and filming a music video, in detail. Did you enjoy making the music video more than the past videos? Did the rubric help you? explain. What is the easiest part of filming? What is the most difficult part of filming?explain. Who was your leader and how well did they do? Out of all your group members that you have had, who has been the best leader and why?

It was awesome, we had fun both dancing and being awesome. Yes I did. Not really. Kelsey but I wish poon was because he poons. Poon was. He was a great leader and an inspiration to us all. I was very happy with the performance he put on camrea and off camrea. You can tell that he really had a good time, and that he put so much effort into his work. I am very proud of Poon, and I hope I can be able to make videos with him even after history class. Thank you poon, thank you for being awesome throughout this semester. You poon, you poon.

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